How AI-powered waterfall enrichment finds 60% more emails [in 2024]

How AI-powered waterfall enrichment finds 60% more emails [in 2024]

Sep 11, 2023

How AI-powered waterfall enrichment finds 60% more emails [in 2024]

How AI-powered waterfall enrichment finds 60% more emails [in 2024]

Sep 11, 2023

How AI-powered waterfall enrichment finds 60% more emails [in 2024]

How AI-powered waterfall enrichment finds 60% more emails [in 2024]

Sep 11, 2023

How AI-powered waterfall enrichment finds 60% more emails [in 2024]

How AI-powered waterfall enrichment finds 60% more emails [in 2024]

Sep 11, 2023

Contact data sounds boring?

It kind of is – we agree!

But contact data builds the foundation of your outreach success – just imagine having the perfect setup, but no email address you can send your cold emails to.

This is exactly what this article is about: Why your current data vendor makes you miss out on around 40% pipeline potential.

Your current situation

The average email data vendor finds around 52%. Now let’s say you would like to reach out to 1000 prospects. That means that you need a list of 1923 prospects.

And we all know: it’s hard to find qualified ones.

This often leads to a broadening of your targeting criteria – and to low-quality prospects.

Simply put: you are missing out on high-quality pipeline (that is not trashed with non-ICP leads).

The graphic below shows the effects of having low data enrichment rates.

Why it is a problem

So you don’t only lose out on high-quality leads, and new customers, but you also waste resources and most importantly: time.

Here is a snippet of common problems:

1. Your sales teams reach out to non-ICP prospects and waste valuable time. Even when they close some of these non-ICP prospects, churn rates will skyrocket and NRR drop. 

2. Especially if you do retargeting campaigns, your ad spend will be used for the wrong targets. You spend money on engaging non-ICP prospects, which makes conversions decrease.

3. In the first place, your sales reps and BDRs waste time on building large, mostly useless lists. Want to start a campaign with 1000 prospects? Now they need to create a list with ~2000 – and we know: Finding high-quality prospects matching your exact profile is already hard enough, and becomes harder with every campaign.

Waterfall enrichment

So: Which provider should you go for?

Who finds 100% of the data?

The answer: No data provider finds every email. And that’s okay. Because some email addresses just aren’t out there, or so well protected (think executives for F500 companies) that it doesn’t even make sense to reach out them in the first place.

But it’s possible to significantly improve on the above-mentioned ~50%. And you should, because not only do your sales reps waste valuable time and energy, but also your overhead costs skyrocket as you scale your outreach efforts.

What allows you to increase your enrichment by 40% on average is combining multiple data vendors. Which means not only using providers like ZoomInfo or Apollo alone, but linking several of them together – the more, the better. This is called waterfall enrichment, as it maximizes data enrichment coverage and finds more valid emails.

It’s important to understand that every of these enrichment tools either gets the contact data that they provide from an algorithm or a database. If it is a database, they usually buy geography-specific datasets from data vendors – for instance, a one million contact list of US-based, B2B people. As you can imagine, one data vendor puts a different emphasis on a certain geography/industry than another.

When an enrichment provider uses an algorithm, the code often is customized for certain geographical/industry standards as well – because in every one of these, the standards of composing an email can vastly differ.

That’s why the waterfall enrichment method is especially powerful. As some data enrichment tools vary in their efficiency in a specific industry/geography.

Thus, combining the results of multiple vendors through waterfall enrichment allows you to leverage their individual strengths and maximize enrichment coverage.

But how does waterfall enrichment work in practice?

Let’s assume you have a contact list with 10000 people.

Now, this list is being pushed to the first data provider via API request. That provider now enriches your file and sends back the file with the contacts it was able to enrich and those it wasn’t able to. For simplicity, let’s say that provider found 5000 emails.

At the same time, an email verification tool analyzes the enriched data and tests whether the emails are deliverable, undeliverable, or catch-all. These undeliverable emails are incorrect and would not enable you to contact your prospect.

The contacts that were not enriched by the previous provider are now being pushed to the next provider. As you can imagine, the same process again: The 5000 unenriched contacts are being enriched by the second provider. Normally, that one finds around 1500 emails more.

 The 3500 unenriched contacts are now being pushed to the next data provider. This process continues until either a) all emails have been found, or b) all subsequent providers in the waterfall have been requested. Thus, the more providers are in your waterfall sequence, the higher the chance of finding more emails.    

The cost of waterfalling

The biggest downside of building waterfall enrichment in-house is the large cost.There are 2 cost components:

1. The cost upfront: To keep the credit/email cost viable and not be restricted by API rate limits, most database enrichment vendors require Enterprise plans (mostly around several thousand dollars)

2. The operational cost: Setting up a multiple-data vendor workflow is complex and requires technical skills. And no, once set up, it’s not working forever. Data vendors regularly change their API, which needs regular adjustment.

The average cost for a sales operations employee : $60-70k/year.

Doesn’t sound like a lot of money? Then congrats, you seem to be well off!

But for most (we have been there as well), the costs exceed the data budget in every imaginable way. And let me tell you something: It’s not necessary.

This is where solutions like BetterContact come into play. 

The alternative

BetterContact works in its essence like most single email providers. However, it aggregates all of them and is the only multi-vendor tool that uses AI.

You can now benefit from the waterfall method and get way better lead data and lead coverage when enriching leads, without buying multiple data vendor subscriptions at high prices, building and maintaining a technical workflow that is fragile due to its proneness to changes in the API, and being restricted in volume due to unfavorable API rate limits. Here is how it works:

BetterContact's machine learning algorithm has analyzed and assessed over 15+ enrichment providers in-depth over 7 months so far. The data derived from all the required attributes gave insights into each provider's strengths and weaknesses regarding certain geographies/industries/company sizes and more.

These assessments allow BetterAI to analyze each contact list and depending on the characteristics of your leads (industry, geography etc.) tailor the optimal data provider sequence and enrichment waterfall. This allows for the maximum enrichment, more lead coverage, and also for the most time-efficient process.

1. Import your leads to BetterContact

You have 2 options to import your file:
– CSV file
– API call
– (LinkedIn coming soon) 

(Process Step 1): BetterAI cleans and completes your data

BetterAI, our machine learning algorithm, cleans and completes your list. It automatically recognizes data inefficiencies and corrects them.

(Process Step 2): BetterAI finds the optimal vendor sequence

BetterAI analyzes your prospects and optimizes the vendor sequence based on their industry, geography, and several other characteristics.
This allows for the highest enrichment rate and efficiency.

(Process Step 3): Multi-vendor enrichment with the optimized sequence

Now, your contacts are being enriched. The first provider from the sequence is being requested – if it doesn’t find an email, its being passed on to the second one, and so forth. 

(Process Step 4): Email verification with Bouncer/Scrubby for >99.5% accuracy

At the same time, each email is getting verified with Bouncer, so that we can predict with 99.5% accuracy whether your emails will land in the inbox. This prevents a reputation damage of your email address (as a high bounce rate is harmful to it). 
Optionally, you can also add the option to validate catch-all with Scrubby to remove risky emails from your list.

2. Export your enriched leads

Once the process finished, you can export your enriched leads via CSV, API, your outreach tool, or CRM.

Fancy a free try?

If the method we described sounds interesting to try out (for free of course), you can play around with 50 credits and compare the enrichment rate to your current solution. Try it out here.

Contact data sounds boring?

It kind of is – we agree!

But contact data builds the foundation of your outreach success – just imagine having the perfect setup, but no email address you can send your cold emails to.

This is exactly what this article is about: Why your current data vendor makes you miss out on around 40% pipeline potential.

Your current situation

The average email data vendor finds around 52%. Now let’s say you would like to reach out to 1000 prospects. That means that you need a list of 1923 prospects.

And we all know: it’s hard to find qualified ones.

This often leads to a broadening of your targeting criteria – and to low-quality prospects.

Simply put: you are missing out on high-quality pipeline (that is not trashed with non-ICP leads).

The graphic below shows the effects of having low data enrichment rates.

Why it is a problem

So you don’t only lose out on high-quality leads, and new customers, but you also waste resources and most importantly: time.

Here is a snippet of common problems:

1. Your sales teams reach out to non-ICP prospects and waste valuable time. Even when they close some of these non-ICP prospects, churn rates will skyrocket and NRR drop. 

2. Especially if you do retargeting campaigns, your ad spend will be used for the wrong targets. You spend money on engaging non-ICP prospects, which makes conversions decrease.

3. In the first place, your sales reps and BDRs waste time on building large, mostly useless lists. Want to start a campaign with 1000 prospects? Now they need to create a list with ~2000 – and we know: Finding high-quality prospects matching your exact profile is already hard enough, and becomes harder with every campaign.

Waterfall enrichment

So: Which provider should you go for?

Who finds 100% of the data?

The answer: No data provider finds every email. And that’s okay. Because some email addresses just aren’t out there, or so well protected (think executives for F500 companies) that it doesn’t even make sense to reach out them in the first place.

But it’s possible to significantly improve on the above-mentioned ~50%. And you should, because not only do your sales reps waste valuable time and energy, but also your overhead costs skyrocket as you scale your outreach efforts.

What allows you to increase your enrichment by 40% on average is combining multiple data vendors. Which means not only using providers like ZoomInfo or Apollo alone, but linking several of them together – the more, the better. This is called waterfall enrichment, as it maximizes data enrichment coverage and finds more valid emails.

It’s important to understand that every of these enrichment tools either gets the contact data that they provide from an algorithm or a database. If it is a database, they usually buy geography-specific datasets from data vendors – for instance, a one million contact list of US-based, B2B people. As you can imagine, one data vendor puts a different emphasis on a certain geography/industry than another.

When an enrichment provider uses an algorithm, the code often is customized for certain geographical/industry standards as well – because in every one of these, the standards of composing an email can vastly differ.

That’s why the waterfall enrichment method is especially powerful. As some data enrichment tools vary in their efficiency in a specific industry/geography.

Thus, combining the results of multiple vendors through waterfall enrichment allows you to leverage their individual strengths and maximize enrichment coverage.

But how does waterfall enrichment work in practice?

Let’s assume you have a contact list with 10000 people.

Now, this list is being pushed to the first data provider via API request. That provider now enriches your file and sends back the file with the contacts it was able to enrich and those it wasn’t able to. For simplicity, let’s say that provider found 5000 emails.

At the same time, an email verification tool analyzes the enriched data and tests whether the emails are deliverable, undeliverable, or catch-all. These undeliverable emails are incorrect and would not enable you to contact your prospect.

The contacts that were not enriched by the previous provider are now being pushed to the next provider. As you can imagine, the same process again: The 5000 unenriched contacts are being enriched by the second provider. Normally, that one finds around 1500 emails more.

 The 3500 unenriched contacts are now being pushed to the next data provider. This process continues until either a) all emails have been found, or b) all subsequent providers in the waterfall have been requested. Thus, the more providers are in your waterfall sequence, the higher the chance of finding more emails.    

The cost of waterfalling

The biggest downside of building waterfall enrichment in-house is the large cost.There are 2 cost components:

1. The cost upfront: To keep the credit/email cost viable and not be restricted by API rate limits, most database enrichment vendors require Enterprise plans (mostly around several thousand dollars)

2. The operational cost: Setting up a multiple-data vendor workflow is complex and requires technical skills. And no, once set up, it’s not working forever. Data vendors regularly change their API, which needs regular adjustment.

The average cost for a sales operations employee : $60-70k/year.

Doesn’t sound like a lot of money? Then congrats, you seem to be well off!

But for most (we have been there as well), the costs exceed the data budget in every imaginable way. And let me tell you something: It’s not necessary.

This is where solutions like BetterContact come into play. 

The alternative

BetterContact works in its essence like most single email providers. However, it aggregates all of them and is the only multi-vendor tool that uses AI.

You can now benefit from the waterfall method and get way better lead data and lead coverage when enriching leads, without buying multiple data vendor subscriptions at high prices, building and maintaining a technical workflow that is fragile due to its proneness to changes in the API, and being restricted in volume due to unfavorable API rate limits. Here is how it works:

BetterContact's machine learning algorithm has analyzed and assessed over 15+ enrichment providers in-depth over 7 months so far. The data derived from all the required attributes gave insights into each provider's strengths and weaknesses regarding certain geographies/industries/company sizes and more.

These assessments allow BetterAI to analyze each contact list and depending on the characteristics of your leads (industry, geography etc.) tailor the optimal data provider sequence and enrichment waterfall. This allows for the maximum enrichment, more lead coverage, and also for the most time-efficient process.

1. Import your leads to BetterContact

You have 2 options to import your file:
– CSV file
– API call
– (LinkedIn coming soon) 

(Process Step 1): BetterAI cleans and completes your data

BetterAI, our machine learning algorithm, cleans and completes your list. It automatically recognizes data inefficiencies and corrects them.

(Process Step 2): BetterAI finds the optimal vendor sequence

BetterAI analyzes your prospects and optimizes the vendor sequence based on their industry, geography, and several other characteristics.
This allows for the highest enrichment rate and efficiency.

(Process Step 3): Multi-vendor enrichment with the optimized sequence

Now, your contacts are being enriched. The first provider from the sequence is being requested – if it doesn’t find an email, its being passed on to the second one, and so forth. 

(Process Step 4): Email verification with Bouncer/Scrubby for >99.5% accuracy

At the same time, each email is getting verified with Bouncer, so that we can predict with 99.5% accuracy whether your emails will land in the inbox. This prevents a reputation damage of your email address (as a high bounce rate is harmful to it). 
Optionally, you can also add the option to validate catch-all with Scrubby to remove risky emails from your list.

2. Export your enriched leads

Once the process finished, you can export your enriched leads via CSV, API, your outreach tool, or CRM.

Fancy a free try?

If the method we described sounds interesting to try out (for free of course), you can play around with 50 credits and compare the enrichment rate to your current solution. Try it out here.

Contact data sounds boring?

It kind of is – we agree!

But contact data builds the foundation of your outreach success – just imagine having the perfect setup, but no email address you can send your cold emails to.

This is exactly what this article is about: Why your current data vendor makes you miss out on around 40% pipeline potential.

Your current situation

The average email data vendor finds around 52%. Now let’s say you would like to reach out to 1000 prospects. That means that you need a list of 1923 prospects.

And we all know: it’s hard to find qualified ones.

This often leads to a broadening of your targeting criteria – and to low-quality prospects.

Simply put: you are missing out on high-quality pipeline (that is not trashed with non-ICP leads).

The graphic below shows the effects of having low data enrichment rates.

Why it is a problem

So you don’t only lose out on high-quality leads, and new customers, but you also waste resources and most importantly: time.

Here is a snippet of common problems:

1. Your sales teams reach out to non-ICP prospects and waste valuable time. Even when they close some of these non-ICP prospects, churn rates will skyrocket and NRR drop. 

2. Especially if you do retargeting campaigns, your ad spend will be used for the wrong targets. You spend money on engaging non-ICP prospects, which makes conversions decrease.

3. In the first place, your sales reps and BDRs waste time on building large, mostly useless lists. Want to start a campaign with 1000 prospects? Now they need to create a list with ~2000 – and we know: Finding high-quality prospects matching your exact profile is already hard enough, and becomes harder with every campaign.

Waterfall enrichment

So: Which provider should you go for?

Who finds 100% of the data?

The answer: No data provider finds every email. And that’s okay. Because some email addresses just aren’t out there, or so well protected (think executives for F500 companies) that it doesn’t even make sense to reach out them in the first place.

But it’s possible to significantly improve on the above-mentioned ~50%. And you should, because not only do your sales reps waste valuable time and energy, but also your overhead costs skyrocket as you scale your outreach efforts.

What allows you to increase your enrichment by 40% on average is combining multiple data vendors. Which means not only using providers like ZoomInfo or Apollo alone, but linking several of them together – the more, the better. This is called waterfall enrichment, as it maximizes data enrichment coverage and finds more valid emails.

It’s important to understand that every of these enrichment tools either gets the contact data that they provide from an algorithm or a database. If it is a database, they usually buy geography-specific datasets from data vendors – for instance, a one million contact list of US-based, B2B people. As you can imagine, one data vendor puts a different emphasis on a certain geography/industry than another.

When an enrichment provider uses an algorithm, the code often is customized for certain geographical/industry standards as well – because in every one of these, the standards of composing an email can vastly differ.

That’s why the waterfall enrichment method is especially powerful. As some data enrichment tools vary in their efficiency in a specific industry/geography.

Thus, combining the results of multiple vendors through waterfall enrichment allows you to leverage their individual strengths and maximize enrichment coverage.

But how does waterfall enrichment work in practice?

Let’s assume you have a contact list with 10000 people.

Now, this list is being pushed to the first data provider via API request. That provider now enriches your file and sends back the file with the contacts it was able to enrich and those it wasn’t able to. For simplicity, let’s say that provider found 5000 emails.

At the same time, an email verification tool analyzes the enriched data and tests whether the emails are deliverable, undeliverable, or catch-all. These undeliverable emails are incorrect and would not enable you to contact your prospect.

The contacts that were not enriched by the previous provider are now being pushed to the next provider. As you can imagine, the same process again: The 5000 unenriched contacts are being enriched by the second provider. Normally, that one finds around 1500 emails more.

 The 3500 unenriched contacts are now being pushed to the next data provider. This process continues until either a) all emails have been found, or b) all subsequent providers in the waterfall have been requested. Thus, the more providers are in your waterfall sequence, the higher the chance of finding more emails.    

The cost of waterfalling

The biggest downside of building waterfall enrichment in-house is the large cost.There are 2 cost components:

1. The cost upfront: To keep the credit/email cost viable and not be restricted by API rate limits, most database enrichment vendors require Enterprise plans (mostly around several thousand dollars)

2. The operational cost: Setting up a multiple-data vendor workflow is complex and requires technical skills. And no, once set up, it’s not working forever. Data vendors regularly change their API, which needs regular adjustment.

The average cost for a sales operations employee : $60-70k/year.

Doesn’t sound like a lot of money? Then congrats, you seem to be well off!

But for most (we have been there as well), the costs exceed the data budget in every imaginable way. And let me tell you something: It’s not necessary.

This is where solutions like BetterContact come into play. 

The alternative

BetterContact works in its essence like most single email providers. However, it aggregates all of them and is the only multi-vendor tool that uses AI.

You can now benefit from the waterfall method and get way better lead data and lead coverage when enriching leads, without buying multiple data vendor subscriptions at high prices, building and maintaining a technical workflow that is fragile due to its proneness to changes in the API, and being restricted in volume due to unfavorable API rate limits. Here is how it works:

BetterContact's machine learning algorithm has analyzed and assessed over 15+ enrichment providers in-depth over 7 months so far. The data derived from all the required attributes gave insights into each provider's strengths and weaknesses regarding certain geographies/industries/company sizes and more.

These assessments allow BetterAI to analyze each contact list and depending on the characteristics of your leads (industry, geography etc.) tailor the optimal data provider sequence and enrichment waterfall. This allows for the maximum enrichment, more lead coverage, and also for the most time-efficient process.

1. Import your leads to BetterContact

You have 2 options to import your file:
– CSV file
– API call
– (LinkedIn coming soon) 

(Process Step 1): BetterAI cleans and completes your data

BetterAI, our machine learning algorithm, cleans and completes your list. It automatically recognizes data inefficiencies and corrects them.

(Process Step 2): BetterAI finds the optimal vendor sequence

BetterAI analyzes your prospects and optimizes the vendor sequence based on their industry, geography, and several other characteristics.
This allows for the highest enrichment rate and efficiency.

(Process Step 3): Multi-vendor enrichment with the optimized sequence

Now, your contacts are being enriched. The first provider from the sequence is being requested – if it doesn’t find an email, its being passed on to the second one, and so forth. 

(Process Step 4): Email verification with Bouncer/Scrubby for >99.5% accuracy

At the same time, each email is getting verified with Bouncer, so that we can predict with 99.5% accuracy whether your emails will land in the inbox. This prevents a reputation damage of your email address (as a high bounce rate is harmful to it). 
Optionally, you can also add the option to validate catch-all with Scrubby to remove risky emails from your list.

2. Export your enriched leads

Once the process finished, you can export your enriched leads via CSV, API, your outreach tool, or CRM.

Fancy a free try?

If the method we described sounds interesting to try out (for free of course), you can play around with 50 credits and compare the enrichment rate to your current solution. Try it out here.

Contact data sounds boring?

It kind of is – we agree!

But contact data builds the foundation of your outreach success – just imagine having the perfect setup, but no email address you can send your cold emails to.

This is exactly what this article is about: Why your current data vendor makes you miss out on around 40% pipeline potential.

Your current situation

The average email data vendor finds around 52%. Now let’s say you would like to reach out to 1000 prospects. That means that you need a list of 1923 prospects.

And we all know: it’s hard to find qualified ones.

This often leads to a broadening of your targeting criteria – and to low-quality prospects.

Simply put: you are missing out on high-quality pipeline (that is not trashed with non-ICP leads).

The graphic below shows the effects of having low data enrichment rates.

Why it is a problem

So you don’t only lose out on high-quality leads, and new customers, but you also waste resources and most importantly: time.

Here is a snippet of common problems:

1. Your sales teams reach out to non-ICP prospects and waste valuable time. Even when they close some of these non-ICP prospects, churn rates will skyrocket and NRR drop. 

2. Especially if you do retargeting campaigns, your ad spend will be used for the wrong targets. You spend money on engaging non-ICP prospects, which makes conversions decrease.

3. In the first place, your sales reps and BDRs waste time on building large, mostly useless lists. Want to start a campaign with 1000 prospects? Now they need to create a list with ~2000 – and we know: Finding high-quality prospects matching your exact profile is already hard enough, and becomes harder with every campaign.

Waterfall enrichment

So: Which provider should you go for?

Who finds 100% of the data?

The answer: No data provider finds every email. And that’s okay. Because some email addresses just aren’t out there, or so well protected (think executives for F500 companies) that it doesn’t even make sense to reach out them in the first place.

But it’s possible to significantly improve on the above-mentioned ~50%. And you should, because not only do your sales reps waste valuable time and energy, but also your overhead costs skyrocket as you scale your outreach efforts.

What allows you to increase your enrichment by 40% on average is combining multiple data vendors. Which means not only using providers like ZoomInfo or Apollo alone, but linking several of them together – the more, the better. This is called waterfall enrichment, as it maximizes data enrichment coverage and finds more valid emails.

It’s important to understand that every of these enrichment tools either gets the contact data that they provide from an algorithm or a database. If it is a database, they usually buy geography-specific datasets from data vendors – for instance, a one million contact list of US-based, B2B people. As you can imagine, one data vendor puts a different emphasis on a certain geography/industry than another.

When an enrichment provider uses an algorithm, the code often is customized for certain geographical/industry standards as well – because in every one of these, the standards of composing an email can vastly differ.

That’s why the waterfall enrichment method is especially powerful. As some data enrichment tools vary in their efficiency in a specific industry/geography.

Thus, combining the results of multiple vendors through waterfall enrichment allows you to leverage their individual strengths and maximize enrichment coverage.

But how does waterfall enrichment work in practice?

Let’s assume you have a contact list with 10000 people.

Now, this list is being pushed to the first data provider via API request. That provider now enriches your file and sends back the file with the contacts it was able to enrich and those it wasn’t able to. For simplicity, let’s say that provider found 5000 emails.

At the same time, an email verification tool analyzes the enriched data and tests whether the emails are deliverable, undeliverable, or catch-all. These undeliverable emails are incorrect and would not enable you to contact your prospect.

The contacts that were not enriched by the previous provider are now being pushed to the next provider. As you can imagine, the same process again: The 5000 unenriched contacts are being enriched by the second provider. Normally, that one finds around 1500 emails more.

 The 3500 unenriched contacts are now being pushed to the next data provider. This process continues until either a) all emails have been found, or b) all subsequent providers in the waterfall have been requested. Thus, the more providers are in your waterfall sequence, the higher the chance of finding more emails.    

The cost of waterfalling

The biggest downside of building waterfall enrichment in-house is the large cost.There are 2 cost components:

1. The cost upfront: To keep the credit/email cost viable and not be restricted by API rate limits, most database enrichment vendors require Enterprise plans (mostly around several thousand dollars)

2. The operational cost: Setting up a multiple-data vendor workflow is complex and requires technical skills. And no, once set up, it’s not working forever. Data vendors regularly change their API, which needs regular adjustment.

The average cost for a sales operations employee : $60-70k/year.

Doesn’t sound like a lot of money? Then congrats, you seem to be well off!

But for most (we have been there as well), the costs exceed the data budget in every imaginable way. And let me tell you something: It’s not necessary.

This is where solutions like BetterContact come into play. 

The alternative

BetterContact works in its essence like most single email providers. However, it aggregates all of them and is the only multi-vendor tool that uses AI.

You can now benefit from the waterfall method and get way better lead data and lead coverage when enriching leads, without buying multiple data vendor subscriptions at high prices, building and maintaining a technical workflow that is fragile due to its proneness to changes in the API, and being restricted in volume due to unfavorable API rate limits. Here is how it works:

BetterContact's machine learning algorithm has analyzed and assessed over 15+ enrichment providers in-depth over 7 months so far. The data derived from all the required attributes gave insights into each provider's strengths and weaknesses regarding certain geographies/industries/company sizes and more.

These assessments allow BetterAI to analyze each contact list and depending on the characteristics of your leads (industry, geography etc.) tailor the optimal data provider sequence and enrichment waterfall. This allows for the maximum enrichment, more lead coverage, and also for the most time-efficient process.

1. Import your leads to BetterContact

You have 2 options to import your file:
– CSV file
– API call
– (LinkedIn coming soon) 

(Process Step 1): BetterAI cleans and completes your data

BetterAI, our machine learning algorithm, cleans and completes your list. It automatically recognizes data inefficiencies and corrects them.

(Process Step 2): BetterAI finds the optimal vendor sequence

BetterAI analyzes your prospects and optimizes the vendor sequence based on their industry, geography, and several other characteristics.
This allows for the highest enrichment rate and efficiency.

(Process Step 3): Multi-vendor enrichment with the optimized sequence

Now, your contacts are being enriched. The first provider from the sequence is being requested – if it doesn’t find an email, its being passed on to the second one, and so forth. 

(Process Step 4): Email verification with Bouncer/Scrubby for >99.5% accuracy

At the same time, each email is getting verified with Bouncer, so that we can predict with 99.5% accuracy whether your emails will land in the inbox. This prevents a reputation damage of your email address (as a high bounce rate is harmful to it). 
Optionally, you can also add the option to validate catch-all with Scrubby to remove risky emails from your list.

2. Export your enriched leads

Once the process finished, you can export your enriched leads via CSV, API, your outreach tool, or CRM.

Fancy a free try?

If the method we described sounds interesting to try out (for free of course), you can play around with 50 credits and compare the enrichment rate to your current solution. Try it out here.

BetterContact aggregates 15+ data sources to find and verify any email.

BetterContact aggregates 15+ data sources to find and verify any email.



BetterContact aggregates 15+ data sources to find and verify any email.



BetterContact aggregates 15+ data sources to find and verify any email.