BetterContact for Sheets. Find and verify mobile phone numbers and email addressesin Google Sheets with 20+ data sources. Get the free add-on 20 data providers, directly in Google Sheets. Access 20+ data providers at a fraction of their subscription costs. And get better results. Get your free API key How to install it Just a few steps to enrich your Google Sheet From concept to launch, follow a structured approach ensuring quality, efficiency, and client satisfaction. 01. Select Extensions From an open Google Doc, Sheet or Presentation, select Extensions from the top menu bar. Alternatively, download the extension here directly: Get the free add-on 02. Go to Marketplace Hover on Add-Ons, click on 'Get add-ons'. Search for 'BetterContact' from the Google Workspace Marketplace search bar. 03. Install the app Select the BetterContact listing, and click on 'Install'. Select 'Continue' and on 'Allow'. Now, click on 'Done'. 04. Use in Google Sheets Now, go to Google Sheets and click on 'Extensions' in the header bar. There you will see 'BetterContact for Sheets'. Let's get those emails and close 🙂 Get Started Ready to maximize your pipeline? Maximize the amount of potential customers you can reach out by finding more contact data. 50 Credits for free