BetterContact for Hubspot.

Find and verify mobile phone numbers in Hubspot with 20+ data sources.

Single Contacts

Enrich single contacts

Enrich single contacts with mobile phone numbers directly in Hubspot.


Workflow enrichment

Create Hubspot workflows and use the BetterContact module to enrich your leads.

Automatic Enrichment

Automatic enrichment

Automatically have newly-added contacts enriched with mobile phone numbers.

How to install it

Just a few steps to enrich your leads in Hubspot

Follow these simple steps to set up the BetterContact app directly in your Hubspot.


Download the official app

There are 2 ways to download the app.

1.) Go into your Hubspot, click on 'App Marketplace'. search for 'BetterContact'.

2.) Download it directly from the Hubspot link here.


Connect to BetterContact

Go to 'Connected Apps', and click on the 'Settings' of the BetterContact app.

Now, make sure to paste in your BetterContact credentials and map the LinkedIn URL field correctly.


Configure your settings

Select the BetterContact listing, and click on 'Install'.

Select 'Continue' and on 'Allow'. Now, click on 'Done'.


Do your first enrichment

Now, go to Google Sheets and click on 'Extensions' in the header bar.

There you will see 'BetterContact for Sheets'.

Let's get those emails and close 🙂

Get Started

Ready to maximize
your Hubspot pipeline?

Maximize the amount of potential customers you can reach out by finding more contact data.